It's been weeks since I've posted.
I'm lame.
However, Dylan surprised me and did a guest post last was very sweet...(cue: 'awwwwwww').
I especially enjoyed the 'prom pose' picture.
I'm sure you did too.
Especially, dad, grandma.
You're welcome.
Since I have been MIA on the blog-front, I have some catching up to do.
Christmas is in full swing at our house and we've been filling our evenings with carol singing, movie watching, and letters to the Big Guy.
This is the first year that the kids have really acknowledged Santa...
Dawson is so excited he can hardly stand it. Every morning, he asks me the date.
Then he figures out how many days until Christmas and announces it as I'm making his breakfast.
Here is his list to Santa this year:
1. super her hulk. 2. toy wolverine (thank heavens he clarified he'd like a TOY wolverine, lest Santa misunderstand and bring him a REAL wolverine). 3. transformer....
and then we run out of room. |
...(transformer) bumble bee. 4. toy star wars (again, glad it's a toy). 5. paints. |
And then there was this little guy doodled on a separate page...just for Santa and the Mrs.
File that under 'things that melt your heart.'
Seriously...cutest. reindeer. ever.
Harper has already informed me that, 'Santa isn't real. He's just a fake man.'
Her list:
1. hair stuff. 2. nail polish. 3. doll food (i might add here...she wants REAL doll food. none of that fake in reality, #3 should read: food for me to eat and pretend it's for my doll).
4. gumball machine. 5. paint. |
She has been working SO hard on perfecting her writing...I LOVE how she signed it at the's so cute.
And then this picture of 'Santa'...
if that is even his real name:
Beckham has no clue.
In life...or about Santa.
But he's we'll let it slide this year.
The highlight for him has been the daily treats from the advent box:
We've also been doing
the bear every night before bed:
Not familiar with the bear?
It works like this:
gather close... |
read the directions each day... |
move the bear as we could down to christmas |
The kids love it.
Okay...I love it too. It makes me feel like I'm 5 all over again.
I've also been collecting some Christmas books:
our newest christmas books...all ready to be opened and read. tonight we read 'Snow" and LOVED it.
we have some classics: 'Twas Night Before Christmas, The Velveteen Rabbit. and some non-classics: The Snowman and Santa's Christmas |
And we've already managed to watch: Rudolph, Frosty, Merry Madagascar, Beauty and the Beast Christmas, and Mickey Mouse Christmas...and it's only December 5th.
We also received a gift from Grandma and Papa Conklin:
ready.... |
set... |
go... |
little people nativity |
the wise men (and a cute little girl) |
There was a lot of
fighting arguing bickering playing going on:
Then a true Christmas miracle happened.
The chaos died down (thus the miracle) and the children were nestled all snug in their beds.
And one tired mother went downstairs and found this:
...and realized that even with the holiday distractions: the gifts and Santa lists, movies and candies, carols and books...
3 young children understand that the real reason for the season, is one tiny child that was born years and years ago in a manger.