time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life - brian andreas

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

this day...

Today was one of those days.

The ones that bite you in the bum and by the end of the night you feel like a 96 year old woman who has run a marathon.
In the snow. 
Both ways.
With three children on your back.

You know those days?!

It was one of those days where you wake up at 4:30 am to find a little boy snuggled up against you and you feel his hot little body pressed up against yours.  And then you inhale the smell of his clean hair and it hits you. 
Gotta love bed wetters.
In your bed.

One of those days where you drop off two children at school, take the third to the doctor, and somewhere between the pharmacy and 'I've totally lost it' realize that you forgot to clean the mascara off above your eyes.

The day where you visit 3 different doctors offices, drive 60 miles in 4 hours, and gas is only $3.75/gallon.  Holla. 

The day where your kids want nothing for dinner because they ate hoards of animal crackers during said 4 hour drive.

Where all of your children end the day with stomach aches.  Probably from said animal crackers.

The evening where there is arguing about dinnertime, lost Squinkies, missing socks in the laundry, a broken mirror, and 3 half-eaten dinners on the table.

The night where you take the trash out only to realize that one unnamed child failed to do his chore of bringing the garbage can back from the street.  So you stand there holding the garbage and screaming requesting that he fetch the garbage can. 
In the rain (shocking, I know).

The night where you go inside to use the key less entry to lock up the car for the night, only to realize that it isn't working.
Make the trip back outside.
In the rain
To realize that for the last 3.5 hours your car was left like this by another unnamed child:

And you live in the ghetto.
So you're lucky your car is still there at all.

It's been one of those days.

But it's also been a day that makes you search for the silver lining.
Because if you don't look for the good, you will likely have an aneurysm and die.
And then what would Harper do? 
Because she doesn't want me to die.

A day where I can be grateful for little boys who still want to snuggle with their moms.
A day where I am grateful for washing machines and modern conveniences like Tide.

One where there is a team of dedicated individuals who spent years and years going to school so they can treat my little ones.  A group of people who keep my most prized possessions fine tuned and fix things when they're not: 

A day where 3 curious little ones are content to find entertainment in boring, sterile surroundings:

A day where we own a car, one that is warm and keeps us dry.  And that we have means to pay for gas to get us to and fro.  Even if costs us an arm and leg.
Where things like Monsters Inc. keep us all sane and laughing.
Where animal crackers are plentiful and so are jokes about who is eating what animal's bum.

A day that makes me thankful for a sweet little boy who is always willing to help his mom get the garbage cans and be the man of the house, while the real Man is away.

yep, that's my man.
with a 40GG bra on his head.
we're mature.
i miss him.
Where I can provide healthy meals to three kids.  Even if they are only half eaten.

A day where we can end a horrible day with imperfectly hung felt hearts.

And chocolate milk.
That gets spilled all over the table and comes within inches of the The Chairs.
Hey... I'm not pretending life is perfect.

And a day where sweet little boys dress up in purple tutus, after they should be fast asleep.

Here's to a better tomorrow.



  1. I admire your ability to see the positive in all things. I need some lessons from you. I hope the doctor apointments went well and that everything is okay.

  2. Hope that everything is okay and that you got the help you needed! I know those days and isn't it great when you can close your eyes at the end of the day and hope tomorrow will be better, b/c is can't be worse! Miss you! And hope you had a better day.

  3. I love that you saw the positive! I'm going to try to take a page from that book as I'm trying not to drown in negative...I hope everything is okay with all those doctor appointments!

  4. I have one of those days pretty much every day. In fact it would probably be more noteworthy if I were not to have a day like this. If I could get my kids to eat dinner, I would definitely share my advice, but I can't. And I loathe squinkies. They are like tiny toddler death traps.
