time stands still best in moments that look suspiciously like ordinary life - brian andreas

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

so much awesomeness

Is that how you spell awesomeness?  Awesomness?  That is one of the consequences of using words that don't exist.

I don't even know where to start...there has been so much of it around here lately.
I think I'll just jump right in.

dylan's intramural basketball team went undefeated and won the championship.
they were as excited as a 2nd grade y ball team.
we have a new pet squirrel that we've been feeding every morning.
his breakfast consists of almonds, sunflower seeds, and cereal.
the kids spend TONS of time at the window...

...oftentimes in the nude.
speaking of (almost) nudie...dylan stole my pillow and ran outside in his underwear in the rain.
look how big these kids are getting.
breaks my heart a little.
him too.
dylan and his 3 buddies attended a bowling costume party at school.
they went as two '70s couples.
...and they won the contest.
which resulted in all of us gorging ourselves on pizza with their winnings. 
i'm so glad my husband is willing to dress in drag.
spinning in the (momentary) sun.

we finally had someone (over the age of 5) that was willing to snap a picture of us together.
and this was the best one.
we are so photogenic.
i can hardly stand it.
i take awesome pictures on my own too.



  1. I totally cracked up reading this entire post. I can totally picture Beckham's naked enthusiasm over that squirrel. Yes, your life is full of awesomeness!

  2. totally is the word of the day

  3. Ha!! I see I'm not the only one whose husband does cruel things out of love. (It is out of love, right? ;)) Just a couple of days ago I got tricked into getting ice water poured down my pants...don't ask.
    P.S. Your kiddos sure are cute!

  4. Sounds like you guys are having lots and lots of fun!
